Monday, March 7, 2022

2022 Canning Challenge

Sometimes do you get so caught up in the day to day, that you forget the impact of small, regular, forward progress? I get caught up like that all the time! 

I was talking to the Hillbilly the other day, about putting up food, and he (possessing the math brain that he does) pointed out that if I canned just 7 quarts of food a week, could have 364 jars of food put up by the end of the year... 364 jars!! Of course, my gluttony brain went straight to 14 quarts a week, because hey, I do have a gorgeous All American canner that will easily hold 14 quart jars... which would give me a whopping 728 jars of food canned by the end of the year. That would be quite an accomplishment! 

So right then and there I challenged myself to put up something every week. Because I can't be limited to just canning, (I also like to dehydrate food in my Excalibur, or try new (old) methods of food preservation), I decided to keep the parameters open. But just a warning, I won't be doing this 'Julie and Julia' style, with a new recipe every day. Also, spring is quickly approaching, so the garden may take more and more of my time, while also giving me more food to can! 

So here's to small, regular, forward progress!! I hope you will join me, cheer me on, and give me suggestions for new things to try!