OK, I know it has been a while since I wrote...I kinda got sucked into Facebook, and well, you know.
Anyway, I have been struggling with getting my little Pineapple potty trained. I mean, he is 3 1/2 and for Heaven's sake, shouldn't he be out of diapers by now!! He's been doing pretty well with "#1", not always dry, but if I put him on, he goes. It's "#2" that has been a problem. I never could figure out what the problem was, but he refuses, I mean flat out refuses to poop on the potty.
I have been praying about it (yes, praying! Doesn't the Bible say for us to bring all our cares to the Lord? Well, I am going to take it literally - Jesus was a little boy once too!) and today I decided that we were going in and not coming out till we had something to show for it - literally!!
So, at 9 am we entered The Zone. #1 - check
9:15 Jalapeno is finished with breakfast and comes to see what is going on. I promise that we will bake cookies if Pineapple goes poop. I know, bribery, but I got payed bonuses for selling certain things (bribery)...it is the way of the world.
9:30-10:30 - We (yes, all four of us) crowd into the three by five bathroom for morning story time. My legs are falling asleep, perched as I am on a little, tiny stool. More #1 - check, check
10:30-11:30 - Tired of books (and needing to get school done for Sweet Potato) I move a bar stool and my lap top into the tiny space. Having promised "not to leave", I crouch in the door, while the boys watch Letter Factory (thanks Ang!!). Sweet Potato and I move quickly through memorizing the books of the Bible, our daily spelling, reading about Moses getting ready to take the frogs to Pharaoh, gn/kn making the n sound...you get the idea. More #1, check, check, check
11:30 - I am really hungry by now. I have been feeding the little tyke anything that I can think of that will "get him moving" - rice milk, raisins, apple slices. But if I stay away longer than a nano-second, I start hearing him crying and calling for me. So I have not eaten yet today, but that is okay! I am committed to this endeavor!!
11:45 - I feed big kids and take a plate in to "the one who will not be swayed". More apple slices, and half a sandwich. He's "not hungry" - big surprise, he's been eating all morning, there can't possibly be any room in there!!
12:15 - 12:45 - The big kids head up to quiet time and Pineapple and I enter into a long discourse of "you need to go poop, so you can take a nap"..."I don't want to poop - I all done". He has been taking turns of standing in the bathroom, and sitting on the potty, so his little legs did not fall off, but he is really determined that he is not going to go. I am more determined that we are not leaving that room til we have poop!
12:45 - I suggest he stand up, and he says "no Mommy, I pooping!" And low and behold, he is right!! And it just keeps coming and coming and coming!! "I pooped four poops!" my little pooper exclaims...and proceeds to call due all the promises of the morning: two M&M's, cookies...
We did a big Happy Dance, called Daddy and left a Poopy Message and danced up stairs to tell the other kids what an excellent job he had done. He was so excited!!!
So now we will be baking cookies this afternoon, and hopefully, we (our littlest we, anyway) will be doing some more pooping without the long drawn out affairs of this morning. Pray for us!!